Tuesday, March 4, 2014

What are the problems with New Construction?

New Construction can be a huge blessing. You get to create the home of your dreams. You can pick out what floors you want, move rooms around to become more functional for your family and select countertops to match your taste – just to name a few of the advantages and perks. But new construction can also be a huge headache. We will touch on a few of the problems that you can try and recognize ahead of time and try to avoid.
One of the main problems with new construction is not knowing what you are getting. You drive up to a new homes site and you see a sign that says homes in the low $200,000. You think, great! Just the price I was looking for. You walk in and the house knocks you off your feet. You LOVE the hardwood floors and granite countertops, and those stainless steel appliances are just AMAZING!!! You think, I can get all of this for $200,000, where do I sign?!?! You sign your contract and get to start picking out floors, countertops, and appliances. Now you find out that those floors are an upgrade as are those counters you just had to have. And the appliances, will that will be additional as well. The next thing you know, you have added $30,000 in upgrades.

Make sure, before you sign the contract and fall in love with the house, you understand what are standard features and what are upgrades. Many of the models have been upgraded for buyer’s appeal. What you see is awesome and truly beautiful, but often it is an upgrade that will cost you more.  Make sure you take an agent with you on your first visit to the home site so they can help you understand this process. We have to remember, every home started as a new construction home and existing homes suffer from many of these same issues as well. This can lead to expensive maintenance and/or repair issues. Even though new construction homes do have some of these issues, they are often more efficient than resale homes. Homes are only as good as the builder, and there are a lot of great custom home builders out there!
 Our buyer’s agents will be able to walk you through the process and help you get a great deal!

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